Browse Exhibits (2 total)

Engraved Throughout


Originally exhibited August 15, 2016–December 9, 2016
Entry Hall


This exhibition explores religious works printed entirely with copperplates: the volumes were engraved throughout. These pages could be presented side-by-side, as in prayer books and guides to the mass. Alternatively each plate would be viewed individually, often as one print in a series. Such suites of plates proved conducive for illustrating narrative accounts including biblical episodes and the biographies of religious figures. Created with various intentions, the exhibited volumes published in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries provided an appealing and engaging format for instruction, documentation, worship, and devotion.

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Manuscripts in the Islamic Tradition


Originally exhibited September 4 – December 13, 2013
Entry Hall


Islamic manuscripts comprise an important part of Bridwell Library’s representation of the world’s religions. Dating from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century, the exhibited manuscripts include magnificent copies of the Quran and later collections of prayers that long have been central to the religious lives of Muslims. Featuring fine paper, beautiful calligraphy, colorful paintings, rich illuminations, and ornamental bindings, these books also reflect the outstanding craftsmanship that has characterized manuscript production within the Islamic tradition. 

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