Gabrielle Fox Butler

Cincinnati, Ohio
Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Gabrielle Fox Butler received her B.A. from the University of Cincinnati and a Diploma in Fine Binding and Restoration from the Guildford College of Technology, England. After two years as conservator at the University of Cincinnati, she returned to England to work and teach. She recently completed a two-year appointment as Binder-in-Residence at Transylvania University in Lexington, Kentucky, and now operates her own studio in Cincinnati.

Example Binding: 
William Shakespeare. 
The Tempest
Lexington, Kentucky: The Anvil Press, 1993.

Full leather binding of alum-tawed goatskin stained with aniline dyes. Tooled in gold and palladium.

Design Description: 
Full leather binding of alum-tawed goatskin colored with aniline dyes. Tooled in gold and palladium. Title tooled on spine.


Gabrielle Fox Butler example binding


Gabrielle Fox Butler design proposal

Gabrielle Fox Butler