Gary Frost
Utopia, Texas
Born in Oak Park, Illinois, Gary Frost earned an M.F.A. from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Trained in library conservation under Paul Banks, he taught at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and at the School of Library Science at Columbia University. After many years at BookLab, Inc. in Austin, Texas, he and his wife Cecilia established the Dry Frio Bindery in Utopia, Texas.
Example Binding:
Keith A. Smith.
Exposed Spine Sewings.
Rochester: Keith A. Smith Books, 1995.
Utopian Ethiopian early codex binding. Exposed spine sewing on three pairs of stations. Mesquite wood boards and leather ties. Black stenciled design on front and back boards.
Design Description:
Codex binding. Mesquite boards. Wrapped endstrip at head and tail. Only two sewing sections are pierced through the folds. Stenciled design on front and back boards.