Peter and Donna Thomas

Santa Cruz, California
Peter Thomas was born in Los Angeles, California. He studied the book arts with William Everson at the University of California at Santa Cruz. Donna Thomas was born in San Francisco, California and graduated from the School of Expressive Arts at Sonoma State University in 1979. Both have worked collaboratively and individually to make fine press and artist books since 1977. They teach workshops and lecture on papermaking, printing, and miniature book production.

Craft Guild of Dallas Special Mention for Innovative Design

Example Binding:
Dorothy Field. 
Meditations at the Edge: Paper and Spirit
Santa Cruz, California: Peter and Donna Thomas, 1996.

Each page of the text has been affixed to a wooden dowel and arranged on a wooden stand.

Design Description: 
Bookbinding installation made of North American hardwoods, with protective sliding panel. Signatures tied to fifty-seven dowels at four sewing stations. Vellum scrolls at beginning and end. Title engraved in wood base of installation.


Peter and Donna Thomas example binding


Peter and Donna Thomas design proposal

Peter and Donna Thomas