Cris Clair Takacs
Chardon, Ohio
Takacs was born in Toledo, Ohio, and began to study bookbinding independently in 1980. She worked at the studio of Jan and Jarmila Sobota in 1987. Takacs is a past chairperson of the Guild of Book Workers and the village binder under the name Books Bound & Repaired in Chardon, Ohio.
Example Binding:
Otto Rigan.
James Hubbell's Palace Doors of Abu Dhabi.
Photos by Robert K. Luce.
Palo Alto, California: Hidden House Publications, 1982.
Full leather book-box binding of yellow ochre goatskin with a copper acrylic wash. Relief work depicting a palace door. The cover latches over a beveled glass drop.
Design Description:
Full leather binding of blue goatskin with a gray-green wash and onlays of silver, brown, and blue. Quotations from the text in palladium, in the silver Celtic cross and printed around the turn-ins. Japanese endpapers with calligraphic quotations.