Rose Harms
Boerne, Texas
Rose Harms earned a BFA in painting and an MFA in printmaking from the University of Texas at San Antonio. During graduate school she first became interested in fine press and artists’ books and in creating her own books. Postgraduate studies at the Southwest School of Art in San Antonio included papermaking and book arts; she also taught book arts at the school for ten years. She is a member of the Guild of Book Workers and the San Antonio Calligrapher’s Guild.
Example Binding:
Laura S. Young.
Bookbinding & Conservation by Hand.
New Castle, Delaware: Oak Knoll Press, 1995.
The text is from a softcover book I disassembled and reassembled as a long stitch binding through a slotted wrapper. Brown quarter leather is sanded kangaroo with handmade book cloth sides. The cotton book cloth is imaginatively silkscreened with good bug guardians. The inside wrapper is covered with sanded brown kangaroo and botanical homemade paper pastedowns. Endpapers are botanical handmade and Hahnemühle Gutenberg papers. All signatures are guarded with Japanese kozo sewn onto the wrapper with yellow linen thread. The book title is blind-stamped.
Design Description:
Bernard C. Middleton’s words reveal a mind long-trained to salvage even the most decayed book materials: I imagine a vine trained upon a trellis that sprouts new leaves. The green cotton book cloth is to be silkscreened with the image of a vine on a trellis. The text will be bound using a long stitch through a slotted wrapper with black kangaroo and black Hahnemühle Bugra pastedowns. The text is to be sewn with dark green linen thread. The book title will be blind-stamped on the side of the quarter leather and on the spine of the accompanying clamshell box.