Proof sheet from Ediciones Dos Amigos

“Y dijo Dios a Noé: Esta es la señal de la alianza que he establecido entre yo y toda carne que existe sobre la tierra”. (Génesis 9:14–17), proof sheet with etching and aquatint by Alicia Scavino, pages 28/29. Genesis: Antigua Version, Revisada Por Cipriano de Valera (1602). Printed by Artesanías Graficas, designed and directed by Samuel Cesar Palui and Ernesto Lowenstein. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Dos Amigos, 2001.

This proof sheet bears the itaglio illustration by the Argentinian artist Alicia Scavino (19372006) depicting the rainbow that marks God’s covenant with Noah. Trained at the Escuela de Bellas Artes in Buenos Aires, Scavino began exhibiting her work in 1971, and was providing illustrations for the publications of Cesar Palui and Tito Lowenstein by 1986. Twenty years later Scavino died before her work on the final two chapters of the Ediciones Dos Amigos Alice in Wonderland could be completed.

The sheet leaves space at the right for printing in letterpress the text of Genesis 19:13–28, from Casiodoro de Reina’s 1602 translation into Spanish which was edited by Cipriano de Valera.

Private fine press Ediciones Dos Amigos operating in Buenos Aires under the direction of Samuel Cesar Palui and Ernesto “Tito” Lowenstein produced its first book, Hoy Cumplo Veinte Años by Eugenio Evtuchenko with illustrations by Aida Carballo, in 1966. In 1999 Bridwell Library became the official repository for the press.

The Ediciones Dos Amigos Genesis/Exodo is available in Bridwell Library Special Collections, BRA0959.

Administrative Assistant Office Artwork
Proof sheet from Ediciones Dos Amigos