M. Autumn Collins
"The Alhambra in southern Spain is the palace of the last Muslim dynasty in Spain. Most don’t realize the Arabs were in Spain for centuries, until finally ousted (from the Alhambra) by Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492. The Alhambra always fascinated me, as I lived in Istanbul and Tehran, where tile work is treasured and widely used, particularly in mosques. The star pattern in the Alhambra drew me in, the colors are subtle and different than the blues I saw in the Middle East. I love stars and they represent the mystery of the universe."
M. Autumn Collins made these photographs during journeys organized by the Global Theological Educational Immersions program of Perkins School of Theology.
Born in Tripoli to parents who were members of the U. S. Diplomatic Corps, Collins grew up in Europe and the Middle East. She graduated from Georgetown University in Arab Studies, and from Perkins School of Theology, earning a Master of Theological Studies degree with a focus on the photography of sacred spaces. Her photographs have appeared in books, articles, magazines, and exhibits. Collins is the publisher of Full Court Press which specializes in works of spiritual and theological relevance. She has been conferred certification as a tea sommelier by the UK Tea Academy in London.