
M. Autumn Collins

"I was walking on a side street in the outskirts of Kathmandu. Suddenly a door to a house opened. I was startled. This woman emerged and I think she was just as startled as I was. She saw my cameras around my neck and she nodded. Not only did she allow me to take her picture but she invited me in! This picture captures the hospitality and engagement one can find everywhere, with the willingness to be open to others."

M. Autumn Collins made these photographs during journeys organized by the Global Theological Educational Immersions program of Perkins School of Theology.

Born in Tripoli to parents who were members of the U. S. Diplomatic Corps, Collins grew up in Europe and the Middle East. She graduated from Georgetown University in Arab Studies, and from Perkins School of Theology, earning a Master of Theological Studies degree with a focus on the photography of sacred spaces. Her photographs have appeared in books, articles, magazines, and exhibits. Collins is the publisher of Full Court Press which specializes in works of spiritual and theological relevance. She has been conferred certification as a tea sommelier by the UK Tea Academy in London.

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