Martin Luther's Small Catechism

Martin Luther (1483–1546).
Parvus catechismus pro pueris in schola, nuper auctus,
& imaginibus artificiose sculptis illustratus.

Frankfurt: Heirs of Christopher Egenolff, 1566. (BRB0677)

In 1529 Martin Luther published two separate catechisms which appeared in both Latin and German editions: Der Grosse Katechismus, or large catechism for pastors and teachers, and Der Kleine Katechismus, or small catechism for students and others beginning their religious education. Both of these pedagogical works provided easily accessible instructional and devotional material on the Ten Commandments, the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, baptism, and the Lord's Supper. This later sixteenth-century Latin edition of the small catechism for students includes an illustrated title page with a hand-colored woodcut of a preacher leading a class with boys and women seated at his feet and men standing and listening. This copy is bound with three additional later sixteenth-century catechisms: two by Leo Juda (1482–1542) published in German (1567) and Latin (1570) and one by Heinrich Bullinger (1504–1575) printed in Latin (1563).

Martin Luther's Small Catechism