Broadside Otomi Catechism

Antonio de Guadalupe Ramírez (fl. ca. 1785).
Epitome de lo que debe saber, y entender el christiano, para que pueda conseguir veer, conocer, y gozar de dios eternamente en la gloria.  Sacado del Breve Compendio... formé en el idioma otomí.
Mexico: Imprenta Nueva Madrileña, 1785. (BRB0760)

This catechism is printed in Otomi, an Amerindian language spoken in Mexico.  Presented in question and answer (“Pregunta” and “Respuesta”) format in five columns, the text utilizes specific typographic symbols to designate special sounds found in Otomi that could not be represented with standard roman letters. Based on the author’s more extensive Breve compendio  de todo lo que debe saber, y entender el christiano, also published by the Imprenta Nueva Madrileña in 1785, this broadside version was specifically produced to provide necessary instruction in a concise format for Otomi speakers who were catechumens, ill, elderly, or unlettered.

Broadside Otomi Catechism