Agony in the Garden
Albrecht Dürer.
Passio domini nostri Jesu, ex Hieronymo Paduano, Dominico Mancino, Sedulio, et Baptista Mantuano, per fratrem Chelidonium collecta, cum figuris Alberti Dureri Norici Pictoris.
Nuremberg: Albrecht Dürer, 1511. (11011)
In the next woodcut, the Agony in the Garden, Christ retreats to the garden of Gethsemane to pray. While his followers fall asleep instead of keeping watch, Judas, his betrayer, leads a column of soldiers into the garden through the distant gate. The clearly defined forms and highly consistent light source in the previous print, the Last Supper, present a stark contrast to the magnificent clutter of the Agony in the Garden, which Dürer had completed at least a decade earlier.