"Hannah Oliver Her Book 1776"
John Wesley.
A Plain Account of Christian Perfection.
Bristol: William Pine, 1770. (AFL4077)
This copy of one of John Wesley’s essential writings was owned and inscribed by Hannah Oliver, an otherwise unidentified individual whose personality and convictions shine through her misspelled jottings:
“Hannah Oliver her book 1776.”
“The dam’d in hell know the whant of a day of grace.”
“He that comiteth sin is of the divel” [John 3:8].
“Verely, verely, I say unto thee, except ye repent ye shal all like wise perish” [Luke 13:5].
Hannah also transcribed stanzas from a favorite Charles Wesley hymn:
“Listed in to the Cause of sin,
whi should a good be Evill?
musick, Alass, too long has been
prest to Obay the divel.”