Presented to James Heald
Thomas Jackson.
The Centenary of Wesleyan Methodism.
London: John Mason, 1839. (BY 462 .J32 1839)
As Methodism celebrated its first centennial in 1839, the English Methodist historian and President of the Wesleyan Conference, Thomas Jackson (1783–1873), published this history of the “rise, progress, and present state” of the Welseyan movement. Many copies of the book were provided with special gilt bindings for presentation to well-admired Methodists. This copy was presented to James Heald (1796–1873) by the Society in Stockport, Cheshire, at the Tiviot Dale Chapel in October, 1839. A wealthy banker and later member of the British parliament from Stockport, Heald was a lay preacher of considerable ability who lent generous financial support to Methodist activities, especially the construction of chapels. He was deeply involved in the organization of the Methodist Centenary celebrations in 1839 and served for ten years as General Treasurer to the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society.