John Wesley's Missing Extract

John Wesley.
An Extract from the Reverend Mr. John Wesley’s Journal from July 20, 1749 to October 30, 1751.
London: [s.n.], 1756. (BRA0090)

Between 1739 and 1790, John Wesley published twenty “extracts” from his journals, which he carefully edited to inform readers of his activities, thoughts, and plans. Wesley reviewed and revised all of these published accounts for the London printer William Pine to use as copy text for his edition of the collected Works of the Rev. John Wesley, printed between 1771 and 1774. When Wesley later noticed that Pine had omitted this Extract from the Works, he wrote in his personal copy, “N.B. From this day, July 20, 1749, to Nov 2, 1751, is wanting, by the inexcusable negligence of the printer, an entire journal.” Bridwell Library’s copy of the 1749–51 Extract, annotated by Wesley, is the “wanting” Extract that Pine had misplaced. Wesley’s manuscript corrections and additions in the Bridwell Library copy are otherwise unrecorded.

Books from the Wesley Family
John Wesley's Missing Extract