Later European Translations
The desire to provide lay readers with vernacular Bibles translated from early Hebrew and Greek sources continued long after the Reformation. By the end of the eighteenth century, translations of the Bible had been produced for every major European language. This section exhibits early scriptural translations in the languages of the predominantly Catholic countries of Italy and Portugal, Protestant translations for Estonia and Wales, and the Slavonic Bible used by the Orthodox Church in Russia.
Also exhibited in the galleries:
[Portuguese New Testament]. O Novo Testamento isto he todos os livros d’o Novo Concerto do nosso fiel Senhor e Redemptor Jesu Christo. Batavia [Jakarta]: Joaō de Vries, 1693.
[Estonian (Tartu) Bible]. Meije Issanda Jesusse Kristusse Wastne Testament ehk Jummala Pühhä Sönna. Riga: Samuel Lorentz Frölich, 1727.
[Welsh Bible]. Y Bibl Sanctaidd, sef, Yr Hen Destament a’r Newydd. Carmarthen [Wales]: John Ross for Peter Williams, 1770–1771.