Mid-Eighteenth-Century Cult Veneration in Orizaba

Información de el culto y veneración del Ss.mo Christo cruzificado de las Suertes que esta colocado en sus capillas desta combento de San Juan de la Cruz de Orizaba, en Indias.
Orizaba and Córdoba, Mexico, May 17–22, 1749. (BRMS 98)

This manuscript is a contemporary certified copy of the original deposition taken in Orizaba, Mexico, relating to the cult veneration in that city’s church of the Descalced Carmelites of a Crucified Christ known as "de las suertes" ("of the fates").  In sworn testimony, seven witnesses provide essentially the same information, reporting that the crucifix is located in the Carmelite church and that numerous people make pilgrimages to it seeking divine assistance.  While no specific accounts of miracles are noted, the document still records the popular devotion generated by a particular local crucifix.

A Variety of Apparitions and Venerations
Mid-Eighteenth-Century Cult Veneration in Orizaba