Bonhomme Under Her Own Name

Sensuyvent aucunes belles preparations pour devotement recepvoir le sainct sacrement de lautel.
[Issued with:] Ung petit traicte appelle larmeure de patience en adversite, tresconsolatif pour ceulx qui sont en tribulation.
Paris: Yolande Bonhomme, 1539. (BRB0456)

Although Yolande Bonhomme soon began to sign her editions with her own name, she continued to utilize her husband’s trademark. The final page of this French devotional volume features the large metalcut that Thielmann Kerver had used to identify his books. Depicting two unicorns supporting his armorial device, it incorporates the design of the sign that had marked the Kerver printing shop. Bonhomme’s name appears in red lettering below.

Early Women Printers
Bonhomme Under Her Own Name