Estienne's Latin Bible

[Latin Bible with commentary]. Biblia, quid in hac editione praestitum sit, vide in ea quam operi praeposuimus, ad lectorem epistola.
Paris: Robert Estienne, 1545. (AFD2103)

Robert Estienne’s densely annotated 1545 edition of the Latin Bible was the work of a respected team of humanist scholars based in Zürich: Leo Juda and Theodorus Bibliander translated the Old Testament, Petrus Cholinus translated the Apocrypha, the New Testament was revised and corrected from the translation of Erasmus by Rudolphus Gualtherus, and the whole was edited by Conradus Pellicanus. However, in 1546 the Faculty of Theology at the Sorbonne condemned this edition, declaring that it was “scattered with things that are erroneous, conducive to scandals, favoring Lutherans, and breathing heresies long ago condemned.”
