Augsburg Confession

[Augsburg Confession].
Confessio Fidei Exhibita Invictiss. Imp. Carolo V. Caesari Aug. in Comicijs Augustae. Anno M.D.XXX. Addita est Apologia Confessionis.
Wittenberg: Georg Rhau, 1531. [Bound with:] Confessio odder Bekantnus des Glaubens etlicher Fürsten und Stedte [...] zu Augspurg.
Wittenberg: Georg Rhau, 1531. (BRA2651/A)

The “Augsburg Confession,” compiled in 1530, presented a single and unified creed that remains the standard Lutheran statement of faith. This remarkable volume includes the first editions of both the Latin and German texts of the Confession, edited by Philipp Melanchthon (1497–1560) and approved by Martin Luther (1483–1546). Although the two versions of the Confession were issued together, copies are rarely found together, as here, in a contemporary binding.

Augsburg Confession