Unique Dutch Translation of Luther on the Lord’s Supper

Martin Luther (1483–1546).
Belijdinghe oft bekentenisse D. Martini Lutheri vant Aventmael des heeren tegen die blasphemie Ulrici Zwinglii ende Joannis Ecolampadii ende teghen den Swermgeest inder Slesie.
Wittenberg [i.e. Antwerp: the “Hans Luft in Marburg” printer], 1528. (BRB0147)

This is the only surviving copy of the Dutch translation of Luther’s Vom Abendmal Christi, Bekendnis. First published in German in 1528, it was the reformer’s principal statement on the sacramental aspects of the Lord’s Supper. This Dutch version, last recorded in a private collection in Amsterdam in 1870, was long misidentified as a translation of Luther’s 1526 sermon on the same subject, written in opposition to Ulrich Zwingli (1484–1531) and Johann Oecolampadius (1482–1531). Acquired by Bridwell Library and correctly identified in 2009, the Belijdinghe was one of several Protestant texts published in Antwerp by an anonymous printer who concealed his identity behind various false imprints.

Controversies and Critiques, Polemics and Creeds
Unique Dutch Translation of Luther on the Lord’s Supper