Theology and Church History


Información de el culto y veneración del Christo cruzificado de las Suertes que esta colocado en sus capillas desta combento de San Juan de la Cruz de Orizaba, en Indias.
Orizaba and Córdoba, Mexico, May 17–22, 1749.
Manuscript on paper. (BRMS 98)

Works of the great theologians and ecclesiastical authorities of the Christian tradition as well as a variety of documents concerning the history and administration of the Church are strongly represented at Bridwell Library. Manuscripts in this section contributing to the breadth of these holdings include twelfth-century and fifteenth-century papal bulls in Latin, Ugolino Verino’s life of St. Clare in Italian, and two colonial-era Mexican manuscripts in Spanish documenting the history of a convent and the veneration of a cult directed towards a local crucifix.

Theology and Church History