The Hallowing of Life

“The Hallowing of Life” brochure, Perkins School of Theology Martin Lectures, November 1981

Albert Outler presented the 1981 Martin Lectures at Perkins School of Theology, speaking on “The Hallowing of Life.” His three lectures were “The Unhallowed Life” (November 11), “The Hallowing of the Humdrum” (November 12), and “The Hallowing of All Occasions” (November 13). Outler’s thesis was that “‘The Hallowing of Life’ can be considered a major element in any well-grounded pastoral self-understanding; therefore it is basic to a truly fruitful pastoral ministry.” The Martin Lectures were endowed by Bishop Paul E. Martin and Mildred Martin.

Listen to the Martin lecture.

Audio-Visual Materials
The Hallowing of Life