
August Hermann Francke (1663–1727).
Manuductio ad lectionem Scripturaes cum additamentis regulas hermeneuticas de affectibus.
Halle: Johann Fridrich Zeitler, 1709.

Francke was Spener’s leading student and chief defender. After studying at Erfurt, Kiel, and Leipzig he joined the faculty of the University of Halle as professor of theology and biblical languages. Francke’s teaching that the spiritual renewal of individuals and the church should impact the world for good expanded the horizons and goals of the Pietist movement. As an expression of his activist faith, Francke and the foundation he started established multiple schools for children, a home for the indigent aged, an orphanage, a farm, a bakery, a print shop and bookstore, a medical dispensary, a training school for teachers, a program caring for the needs of beggars and refugees, and a Bible Society.

Shown is Francke’s most important scholarly work, an exegetical guide to Biblical studies. The Bridwell copy is bound with six sermons preached by Francke in 1709 and 1710.
