Henckel von Donnersmark

Erdmann Heinrich Henckel von Donnersmark (1681–1752).
Die Letzten Stunden Einiger der Evangelischen Lehre Zugethanen und in Diesem und Nechst Verflossenen Jahren Selig in dem Herrn Verstorbenen Personen.
Halle: Orphanage press, 1733. (33743)

The Pietists are credited with developing and popularizing a new genre of literature: the spiritual biographies of common people. “The Last Hours of Some Persons Who Cherished Protestant Doctrine and Died Blessedly in the Lord” is part of a four-volume work by Henckel von Donnersmarck published between 1720 and 1734. “The Last Hours” comprises a total of fifty-one biographical narratives. The author was a nobleman who served on Francke’s privy council of advisors.

Churchly Pietists
Henckel von Donnersmark