
Johann Wilhelm Petersen (1649–1726).
Der Sinn des Geistes aus dem Gantzen Sechsten Capitel des Propheten Esaiae in Einer Offentlichen.
Frankfurt and Leipzig: Johann Michaël Rüdigern, 1701. (34390)

Johann Wilhelm Petersen and his wife, Johanna Eleonora Petersen (1644–1724), were popular public speakers and prolific writers in the cause of radical Pietism. Together they produced more than 150 tracts, pamphlets, and books. The couple were devotees of the English mystic Jane Leade (1624–1704) and vigorous promoters of the theology of universal restoration, belief in the ultimate reconciliation to God of all human beings. They traveled widely throughout the German states, addressing large crowds in homes, businesses, and public spaces. The exhibited work is the text of a sermon on the sixth chapter of Isaiah that Johann Petersen preached on November 13, 1700.
