Clement V 1471
CLEMENT V, Pont. Max. (1264–1314).
Commentary by Johannes Andreae (d. 1348).
Mainz: Peter Schoeffer, 13 August 1471. (06238)
First published by Fust and Schoeffer in 1460, Pope Clement V’s Constitutiones consist of decretals (papal letters establishing canon law) issued by Popes Boniface VIII, Benedict XI, and Clement V himself. In this work Schoeffer introduced an improved commentary type, intended mainly for use with the text type of the Bible of 1462. As became the custom with law books, this edition was printed on Imperial paper, a larger size than that used for Royal folios such as the Gutenberg Bible.
This copy preserves its original blind-stamped binding, made in Augsburg. On the final leaf is a contemporary ink inscription that reads “Emptus 4 fl. et x monaci. Anno 72” – “purchased for four florins and ten Munich coins (one-half florin), year [14]72.”