Johannes Mesue the Elder

Johannes Mesue the Elder (d. 857).
Opera medicinalia.

[With:] Abulcasis (d. 1013), Liber servitoris de praeparatione medicinarum simplicium (Translated by Abraham Tortuosiensis; edited by Simon a Cordo);
Franciscus Pedemontanus (d. 1320). Complementum;
Mundinus (d. 1326). Expositio super canones universales;
Nicolaus Salernitanus (fl. twelfth century). Antidotarium; Quid pro quo; Synonyma;
Christophorus de Honestis (fl. fourteenth century). Expositio super antidotarium Mesue;
Petrus de Abano (1250–1316). Additiones ad practicam;
Saladinus de Asculo (fifteenth century). Compendium aromatariorum. [Edited by Paulus de Vareschis].
Venice: Peregrinus de Pasqualibus, Bononiensis, 1489–1491. (06806)

Known in Europe as Mesue, Yuhanna Ibn Masawayh was the chief physician at the ninth-century medical school in Baghdad and wrote prolifically in Syriac and Arabic. Best known for his expertise in ophthalmology, gynecology, and anatomy, his were among the earliest Arabic medical texts available in Europe. This copy of his works, published with additional medical texts by other authors, is bound in contemporary blind stamped leather and features fine Lombard rubrication.

History of Medicine
Johannes Mesue the Elder