Printed Missal with Manuscript Inserted
[Missal, for Carmelite Use].
Brescia: Boninus Boninis de Ragusia, 14 August 1490. (06471)
At the end of the fifteenth century this Missal, printed for use in Carmelite monasteries, was altered in order to improve its functionality in liturgical services. The gathering of paper leaves containing its most sacred text, the Canon of the Mass, was replaced with vellum leaves bearing the same text copied in manuscript. Since the Canon was used daily during the celebration of the Mass, this important section was written on a more durable material. The plaited leather button tabs were attached to each vellum leaf in order to ease the priest’s turning of the pages during the performance of the liturgy. Exhibited is the transition from the end of the Canon of the Mass, which was written on vellum, to the beginning of the Easter service, which was printed on paper.
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