Eighteenth-Century Collection of Meditations

Le chemin de la Sainte Croix, ou exercice de pieté sur lex XIV . Stations du Calvaire, depuisle pretoire de Pilate jusqu’au sepulcre du Seigneur. Brussels: J. Lambert Marchant, 1732.


An early 18th-century anonymous collection of meditations devoted to each Station of the Cross, Le chemin de la Sainte Croix is illustrated with fourteen etchings, one for each major incident described in Christ’s final journey from Pilate’s house to His entombment. Organized chronologically, each chapter is devoted to a single Station and includes in addition to the illustration a brief introduction, a prayer, and a hymn. The work begins with a preface to the reader and preparations for the devotional exercises; the final chapter also includes additional prayers. On display is the sixth station which depicts Veronica wiping the face of Jesus, with the image of Christ’s face miraculously impressed upon her veil.

Eighteenth-Century Collection of Meditations