Pseudo-St. Augustine.
Sermo super orationem dominicam.
[Issued with:] Pseudo-St. Augustine.
Expositio super symbolum.
[Issued with:] St. Caesarius of Arles (ca. 470–542). De ebrietate. [Cologne: Ulrich Zel, ca. 1467]. (07044)
Although the dating of this edition circa 1467 remains uncertain, it may be one of the ten earliest printed books owned by Bridwell Library. It contains three Christian tracts issued together as a single publication by Ulrich Zel (fl. 1465–1503), who probably worked with Johann Gutenberg’s associates in Mainz shortly before he established the first printing press at Cologne in 1465. Although the first work, a sermon on the Lord’s Prayer, traditionally was ascribed to St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (354–430), it probably was written long after his death. Similarly, the second title on Christian symbolism is a later work, ascribed to St. Augustine in order to increase its importance. The third work, on drunkenness, is attributed to St. Augustine in Zel’s text, but it was actually part of a sixth-century sermon by St. Caesarius of Arles.