Historiated Initials Integrating Text and Image

The Four Gospels of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Waltham Saint Lawrence, Berkshire, England: Golden Cockerel Press, 1931.

Printed by Robert and Moira Gibbings – Compositors: F. Young and A.H. Gibbs – Pressman: A.C. Cooper – Binding by Sangorski & Sutcliffe

The Four Gospels represents one of the most acclaimed publications of the Golden Cockerel Press and has been recognized as one of the preeminent representatives of fine printing in the twentieth century. Issued in November, the Gospels integrated the still new Golden Cockerel Type designed by Eric Gill (1882–1940), which had premiered in January of that year, with sixty-five illustrative and decorative wood engravings. Some of Gill’s most striking work can be seen in the large historiated initials, which transcend both illustration and decoration by intimately integrating text and image.

Printed in an edition of five hundred, the first twelve copies are on vellum with the remainder on Batchelor handmade paper. This copy on vellum is number 12.

The New Testament - The Gospels
Historiated Initials Integrating Text and Image