The Passion
Passio Domini Nostri Jesu Christi.
Waltham, St. Lawrence, England: Golden Cockerel Press, 1926.
Printed by Robert Gibbings at The Golden Cockerel Press – Compositors: A.H. Gibbs, F. Young – Pressman: A.C. Cooper – Illustrations by Eric Gill
Red initial letters designed by the artist and typeface designer Eric Gill (1882–1940) embellish the black text set in the Caslon Old Face favored by the Golden Cockerel Press prior to the introduction of Gill’s Golden Cockerel Type in 1931. The six wood engravings by Gill illustrate the story of Christ’s passion, the text of which appears in the Latin of Aloysius Fillion’s 1921 edition of the Vulgate. Printed on Batchelor handmade paper in an edition of two hundred fifty copies, this copy is number 64.