Browse Exhibits (5 total)
Remembering Alfredo Náñez y Clotilde Falcón de Náñez

Originally exhibited May 20, 2016 – August 7, 2016
Entry Hall
Recuerdos de Alfredo Náñez y Clotilde Falcón de Náñez
Por más de cinco décadas, los graduados de Southern Methodist University (SMU) Alfredo Náñez (1902–1986) y Clotilde Falcón de Náñez (1908–1998) siguieron una vida compartiendo su ministerio como líderes de la iglesia, educadores, autores, traductores, y abogando por un entendimiento intercultural. Alfredo Náñez fue ordenado como ministro de la Iglesia Metodista Unida y sirvió como pastor y Superintendente del Distrito en la conferencia anual Río Grande. Un educador y administrador talentoso, Náñez sirvió como presidente de la Institución Lydia Patterson y también como el fundador y director del programa México-Americano en Perkins School of Theology. Clotilde Falcón de Náñez fue una profesora muy respetada, educadora Cristiana, autora y traductora la cual llevó a cabo posiciones de liderazgo dentro de la Sociedad Femenil de Servicio Cristiano. Desde 1964 hasta 1968 servió en la División de Mujeres de la Junta de Misiones de la Iglesia Metodista.
Esta exhibición honra la memoria de dos figuras significativas en el Metodismo de Tejas y la historia México Americana Metodista presentando evidencia de sus vidas la cual se conserva archivada en la Biblioteca Bridwell.
Traducido por Betsy Careaga.
Se procesaron los papeles de Alfredo Náñez y Clotilde Falcón de Náñez en 2016. Una guía a la colección puede consultarse en línea en
Remembering Alfredo Náñez y Clotilde Falcón de Náñez
For more than five decades, Southern Methodist University graduates Alfredo Náñez (1902–1986) and Clotilde Falcón de Náñez (1908–1998) pursued a life of shared ministry as church leaders, educators, authors, and advocates of cross-cultural understanding. Alfredo Náñez was an ordained United Methodist minister who served as a Pastor and District Superintendent in the Rio Grande Annual Conference. A gifted educator and administrator, Náñez served as President of the Lydia Patterson Institute and as the founding director of the Mexican American program at Perkins School of Theology. Clotilde Falcón de Náñez was a respected teacher, Christian Educator, author, and translator. She held many leadership positions in the Woman’s Society of Christian Service and served on the Women’s Division of the Board of Missions of the Methodist Church from 1964 to 1968.
This exhibition honors the memory of two significant figures in Texas Methodist and Mexican American Methodist history by presenting evidence of their lives as preserved in the archives at Bridwell Library.
The papers of Alfredo Náñez and Clotilde Falcón de Náñez were arranged and described in 2016. A finding aid to the collection can be accessed online at
The Uniting Conference of 1968 and the Birth of the United Methodist Church

Originally exhibited August 24–December 7, 2018
Entry Hall
The United Methodist Church (UMC) was created in 1968 through two unions, one internal and one external. The internal union was the joining together of Black and White Methodists into a racially integrated denomination. The external union was the merging of two Wesleyan bodies: The Methodist Church with 10,289,000 members and The Evangelical United Brethren (EUB) Church with 746,000 members. The process of negotiating integration and merger required many years. It culminated in Dallas, Texas with a Uniting Conference held between April 21 and May 4, 1968.
This exhibition commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of The United Methodist Church. A selection of publications and images document Methodist integration, the Methodist-EUB merger, and the Uniting Conference that created the second largest Protestant denomination in the United States.
Three African American Bishops of The United Methodist Church

Originally exhibited December 15, 2017–April 27, 2018
Entry Hall
The Methodist Studies Archive at Bridwell Library includes the personal papers of three African American United Methodist bishops: Ernest T. Dixon, Jr. (1922–1996), William Talbot Handy, Jr. (1924–1998), and Rhymes H. Moncure, Jr. (1945–2006). These collections are being highlighted as part of the Black Archives Matter at SMU Initiative in the spring of 2018.
The items in this exhibition represent the ministries of three barrier-breaking church leaders. Dixon was the first African American elected to the office of bishop in the South Central Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church (UMC). Handy was the first African American hired in an executive capacity at The United Methodist Publishing House. He later served as the bishop of the Missouri Area of the UMC. Moncure was the first African American bishop to lead the Dallas Area of the UMC. He had previously served the Nebraska Area as bishop. All three bishops worked to dismantle the power of racism in church and society. Their ministries blended religious faith with social justice and concern for the well-being of those on the margins of society.
Follow this link to learn more about the Black Archives at SMU Initiative.
Virtual and Real

Originally exhibited February 3 – May 17, 2014
The Elizabeth Perkins Prothro Galleries
Since the founding of Bridwell Library in 1951, staff members have promoted the use of special collections and archives by curating exhibitions and hosting public events. During the 1990s the Library also began providing internet access to selected exhibitions, collection inventories, and images of important volumes and artifacts. In 2010 Bridwell Library published its first set of digital images as part of the SMU Digital Collections online database. Today the Library offers numerous digital collections containing more than 4,000 high-quality images, audio files, and videos.
Providing remote access to rare and unique print, manuscript, photographic, audio, and video materials helps Bridwell Library fulfill its educational mission. Each month thousands of patrons view these virtual representations of real objects. The purpose of this exhibition is to bring the virtual and the real together in the same place at the same time so that both can be studied and enjoyed.
“Virtual and Real” presents fifty-six items representing twelve digital collections. All twelve featured collections relate to the history of the United Methodist Church or Perkins School of Theology. Throughout the exhibition visitors are encouraged to scan the Quick Response (QR) codes and explore the linked images and metadata while viewing the artifacts. To view installation photographs, follow this link.
William B. Lawrence, Dean of Perkins School of Theology, 2002–2016

Originally exhibited April 12–May 15, 2016
Reception Hall
William B. Lawrence studied at Duke University (B.A., 1968), Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York (M.Div., 1971), and Drew University (Ph.D., 1984). In 1969 he joined the Wyoming Conference of the United Methodist Church (located in northeastern Pennsylvania and southern New York). There he served more than two decades as a pastor and district superintendent. From 1998 to 2001 he was senior minister of Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church in Washington, D.C. At the denominational level, Dr. Lawrence has served on the General Commission on Religion and Race (1992–1996) and on the Judicial Council of the United Methodist Church (2008–present; President 2012–present).
Before being appointed Dean and Professor of American Church History at Perkins School of Theology in 2002, Dr. Lawrence served at Duke University Divinity School (1993–1998), Wesley Theological Seminary (2000–2001), and Candler School of Theology at Emory University (2001–2002). Under Dean Lawrence’s fourteen years of leadership, Perkins School of Theology has constructed Prothro Hall and renovated Kirby and Selecman Halls, created several new programs, restructured the Graduate Program in Religious Studies, appointed new faculty members, and strengthened the administrative staff.
This display highlights William B. Lawrence’s leadership of Perkins School of Theology and his contributions to theological education and church life.