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Date is exactly "1990"
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Le Tour de Babel
Françoise Deberdt’s Tower of Babel is a growing city spiraling upwards to the push of traffic: pedestrians, motor vehicles, and draft animals including horses, donkeys, elephants and birds ascending the one-way route. Glowing tiled roofs and the…
Ramsey example
Full leather binding of purple morocco with mosaics of chagrin, oasis, box calfskin, and French Cape morocco leathers. Design of various electronic components with fold wires and blind and palladium tooling.
BRMS 209
The "pear" is covered in green and yellow painted buckskin surmounted by a stem, while the torso is in crushed white buckskin. Within the two-part leather "box" is a manuscript by the calligrapher Michael Sull, the leaves of which echo the shape of…
Carlson, Lori M. and Ventura, Cynthia L.
Where Angels Glide at Dawn
New York: J. B. Lippincott, 1990
BRMS 209
The "pear" is covered in green and yellow painted buckskin surmounted by a stem, while the torso is in crushed white buckskin. Within the two-part leather "box" is a manuscript by the calligrapher Michael Sull, the leaves of which echo the shape of…
Elliott memoir
Memoir for Rev. John W. Elliott, Sr. in Central Texas Conference Journal in rememberance after his passing.
AFQ 2569 -
Manhattan: An Elegy, and other Poems
Woodcuts of New York City to complement a poem
AEQ 4524 -
Poems of W.B. Yeats
Artist Richard Diebenkorn illustrates his favorite poet's work
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