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Date is exactly "2000"
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Flax cover binding with 24k gold blocking lines to describe the text. Cover design abstracted from the title page, tooled fly leaves using elements of the cover design, and tri-tone blue silk headbands. Conservation concertina binding construction…
Geigel example
Full leather binding in the French technique with three strips of onlaid leather in different colors and lengths and an inlaid disc of lapis lazuli on the upper right corner of the front cover. Edge-to-edge grey leather doublures with the first and…
Colors and design chosen to reflect the text. Symbols and recurring imagery including the Celtic knot, Papal keys, water and the Union Jack are used to illustrate the text. Original blue wrappers will be included at the end of the text. Decorative…
“In each generation a person must see himself as if he came out of Egypt.”
Proof sheet from The Moss Haggadah: A Complete Reproduction of the Haggadah Written and Illuminated by David Moss for Richard and Beatrice Levy, with the Commentary of the Artist. Berkeley: Bet Alpha Editions, 2000.
Full leather binding in three colors of morocco with quotations tooled and stamped in gold. The design is subdued and reflects the layout and printing of the text. Judges' Distinction for Interpretation
Full leather binding in pink, yellow, and gray with black goatskin doublures and fly leaves, silk embroidered headbands, and tooling in gold and palladium. Tooled title on the spine.
The design will reconstruct the text into the original printer's sheets. The evidences of this copy's previous binding will remain. Each printer's sheet will be reconstructed with kozo guards as a throw out. The sewn boards binding structure will be…
Design reflects an exploration of depth and complexity of language and its rhythm and pattern. Overall binding design is monochromatic with sculptural components. Five panels stretch across the planes of the binding, with rhythmic sets of slots. When…
The text block will be sewn on tapes and cased into a full leather binding of blue-green goatskin. The front board of the case bears the title and author's name hot-stamped with white foil. The binding within its box will be housed in a half leather…
Copy 5 of 150 with multicolored and gilt illuminated initials. New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) of the Bible.
AFK2000 -
May 31, 1944 a poem by Isabella Leitner
Illustrated account of the words of Isabella Leitner
Alphabet Stone
An alphabet carved in Italian slate and highlighted with gold leaf
The design is based on sixteenth-century sketches for a missing Bronzino fresco. The intertwined bodies will be beige oasis goatskin onlays on a blue goatskin background. The sample binding includes the technique of applying gold tooling without a…
Full black morocco leather binding with recessed circular web of box calf, crunched pewter onlays, and blind lines. The bird design on the back cover represents the emblem of Dublin. 24 circles of box cald and pewter represent the 24 hours of June…
Full leather binding of beige goatskin over three-dimensional boards, text block sewn onto vellum bands, recessed opal cabochon set into the front cover, and back-pared title of red goatskin. The headbands will be worked in multicolored silk and gold…
Full leather binding of black goatskin, featuring blue and green goatskin onlays on a raised labyrinth design. Sewn on cords with laced on boards. Back board design is tooled with green leather onlay strips. Black paste paper end sheets with blue and…
Pale blue leather over a K-118 binding with Molly's last words in gilt on the back. Doublures in muted brown tones. Relief panels in multicolored frames. Headbanks in three colors sewn into the text. Winner: 2000 DeGolyer Award for American…
Wozney example
Full dark green goat skin with black goat leather doublures, top edge illustrated with a free-hand design of leaves. Title stamped at an angle on the front of the lime green leather onlay using black foil. Inlays of leaves, based on marble paper by…
Lawrence example
Split board binding of black and grey goatskin with silver goatskin onlay over shaped boards & spine; agate slice set into front board; lap-link sewing over tapes; silver & bronze goatskin headbands; and marbled paper by Catherine Levine.
A full blue-gray oasis goatskin binding. The design will be painted and inlaid in black, brown, white, lavender, green and yellow. Inlaid on the spine are "Joyce" and "1922," and on the front board "Ulysses." The text block is sewn to linen cords.
Full leather binding of black goatskin, using shades of blue, red, and maroon. The cut outs expose handmade paste paper endpapers. Gold-tooled lettering on the spine.
Full crimson calfskin with calf hinges and Cockerell marbled paper fly leaves and doublures. Sewn on frayed cords with silk double headbands. Graphite top edge, the fore edge untrimmed, and the tail edge deckled. Gold and palladium tooling and…
Sewn two-on, on recessed cords with irregular leather patch covering. Various blues with browns, oranges, and maroons and raised letters of the title on the front board. Finished with handmade colored endpapers and blue silk hand-sewn headbands.
The design is a non-literal expression of the book's poetry. The binding will be a traditional French laced on binding of full leather, dark blue and black calf, featuring Martello Tower silhouetted against the night sky. Two-on sewn pattern, with…
Bound in a laminated case construction covered in two colors of warm green Harmatan goatskin. Will feature cut outs and recesses that reveal selected text from the book. A section of a Dublin street map will be blind embossed in the background.…
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