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- Description is exactly "<em>Gebrochener Rücken</em><span> (modified Bradel) binding with text sewn onto tapes. Covers made of cerise-colored silk, embroidered in metallic gold with Chi-Rho symbol on the front cover and Alpha-Omega symbol on the back cover. Symbols framed by lace, over-sewn with seed pearls and garnets. Hand-sewn silk headbands, edge decoration of acrylic paint in two colors, and endpapers of a muted shade of metallic gold. The inspiration for this design is derived from embroidered books of the seventeenth century held in Bridwell Library’s Special Collections. The design is intended to invoke ecclesiastical imagery to underscore the significance of this text to the church, while the materials suggest the richness of its contribution to the history of spiritual formation.</span>"
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