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- Description is exactly "Contemporary full black leather, sewn-on-tape binding with raised thread lines and carved circular insets revealing grey, terra-cotta, and gold leather underneath. Leather joint construction and terra-cotta leather doublures with marbled end sheets by Galen Berry. Hand-sewn silk headbands of terra-cotta, black, grey, and gold. Spine of deep gold with pale yellow leather onlay bands. Raised thread lines across the covers and spine represent tie downs of traditional core bindings. Scarfed, terra-cotta onlays along the book board spine edge with tooled abstract lines crossing onto the black leather, indicating joint mends in book preservation. The identical, tooled lines are repeated within the raised v-lines on the board fore-edges. Decorative airbrushed fore-edges in gradient terra-cotta to gold to pale yellow. The volume will be housed in a black linen clamshell box."
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