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BRF0458 - Orphan
cut words from previous drafts to construct a new story
BRA0834 -
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
based on the fantastical stories told by Charles Dodgson
BRF0441 -
A Child of Books
two children journey across of sea of words, excerpts from literature
BRF0335 -
An artist's book from Cuba illustrating Leyman Perez's writing
BRF0274 -
Ashes to Ashes
commemorates a selection of six recorded lynchings in America
BRA0574 -
The Revelation of Saint John the Divine
drawings and collage that allow for text and image to flow together
19845 and BRA0376 -
Icones Librorum Artifices
Two sets of printed biographies set with a calligram, shaped text
AFR 3100 -
Blast: Review of the Great English Vortex.
No. 1 (June 1914) and no. 2 (July 1915)
illustrated with text to emphasis the content
AFQ 2569 -
Manhattan: An Elegy, and other Poems
Woodcuts of New York City to complement a poem
AFK2000 -
May 31, 1944 a poem by Isabella Leitner
Illustrated account of the words of Isabella Leitner
AFC 3154 -
Laudes Creaturarum
This publication offers a contrast of carefully set type and broad gestural strokes
AER 8761 -
ABC Gem Box: A Display of Skill in Typography
, Volume II
Volume II consists of twenty-seven folded sheets printed with Volk’s composition for each letter of the alphabet displayed through a die-cut window.
AEQ 4524 -
Poems of W.B. Yeats
Artist Richard Diebenkorn illustrates his favorite poet's work
32364 -
A Walk Along the Shore
the screen prints emulate the poetry
32359 -
De Morandi
an homage to the painter, Morandi
29416 -
Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking
attempts to translate the spirit of Whitman’s poem into concrete typography
25587 -
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions
concertina-folded book in an aluminum case
12414 -
Shaped Poetry
Shaped poetry is an arrangement of letters in a verse that can be recognized graphically as shape, pattern, or depiction.
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