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Prothro B-197
Second edition of the pocket-sized octavo Latin Bible. Includes marginal chapter differences and references, a subject index, and a tabular summary of the books. Earliest printed Latin Bible with a woodcut illustration.
Prothro B-172
One of the first editions of the Bible printed in quarto format and included aspects of early manuscripts - book prologues and alphabetical interpretations of Hebrew names. Includes illumination and hand colored initials.
Prothro B-125
Koberger's fourth edition of the Latin Bible. Includes a table of contents, Menardus' Generalis et compendiosa librorum Bibliae notitia, and is rubricated throughout.
Prothro B-116
This edition of the Bible included guides to help users read and interpret the Bible better. Additionally, the initials were printed with woodblocks so hand rubrication was not needed.
Prothro B-174
Early printed novel using the more legible Roman type instead of Gothic. Likely used for reading at a lectern, this is a large Royal folio with hand decoration of initials.
Prothro B-197
Second edition of the pocket-sized octavo Latin Bible known as the "poor man's Bible". Includes marginal chapter differences and references, a subject index, and a tabular summary of the books. Earliest printed Latin Bible with a woodcut…
Second volume of Fust and Schoeffer's 1462 Bible.
Fourth printed edition of the Latin Bible by Fust and Schoeffer. They used a small typeface for extended private reading and included printed rubrics, colored initals, chapter numerals, and paragraph marks which were usually added by rubricators.
1 vellum leaf from the 36-line Bible printed in the "Donatus-Kalendar" type. This leaf was recovered as binder's waste. The printer is thought to either be Pfister or Gutenberg.
Published by the first French press, Bridwell Library's copy of the first Bible printed in France provides evidence of England's initial dependence on France for its supply of printed books. This copy has handwritten annotations by English readers…
The illustrations in this Latin Bible reflect the Bruges-Ghent school of illumination. Marginalia throughout the book reflects the regulations of the Carthusian Order.
Prothro B-09
Latin Bible featuring fifteenth-century binding of blind-stamped calfskin. The binding is thought to be done at a bindery in Brixen, in the Alps of South Tyrol (Italy).
Third Strasbourg edition of the Latin Bible with Netherlandish illumination.
Fourth printed edition of the Latin Bible by Fust and Schoeffer. They used a small typeface for extended private reading and included printed rubrics, colored initals, chapter numerals, and paragraph marks which were usually added by rubricators.
Bound in Mexico using gold-tooled bindings. The gilt central armorial device on both covers belonged to the Franciscan Convent of Mexico City.
This portable 1551 edition of the Latin Bible was one of Yolande Bonhomme's later publications. Again she utilized her husband's "unicorn" trademark to signal the continuity of his press.
Dirst edition of the Latin Bible prepared by Andreas Osiander II (1562–1617), presenting the revised Latin scriptures in the two inner columns, with the compiler's paraphrases, explanations, and annotations from various other commentators printed in…
In this Latin Bible printed in 1483, a late sixteenth-century English reader has inserted paper slips bearing handwritten English prologues for each book of the Bible. These added texts were transcribed directly from the prologues published in the…
The first of two volumes of the Latin scriptures, bound in Bohemia, and owned by the Franciscans of Tachov. Royal folio, 413 x 288 mm. Double columns, 248 lines.
Second and finest of eight edition of the Latin Bible published by Anton Koberger between 1475 and 1501. In this 1477 printing, textual additions by Menardus Monachus provide an abstract of the contents for each book of the Bible.
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