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The first papal decree to list forbidden writings was the Decretum Gelasianum, attributed to Pope Gelasius (d. 496). While this list canonized the works of St. Augustine, St. Jerome, and other "orthodox fathers," it also enumerated which Christian…
The Tridentine Index of 1564 presented ten rules that were established by the Council of Trent to control the censorship of texts. In the Index librorum prohibitorum that accompanies this 1664 edition of the Council's decrees, the ten rules were…
Erroneous passages in this collection of medieval Canon Law compiled for Pope Boniface VIII were expurgated by gluing blank paper slips over the offending glosses. A Latin inscription added at the beginning of the book c. 1570 states that the text…
A compilation of all of the papal decrees and canon laws that had been approved between 1140 and 1234. An exceptionally large book printed on durable vellum. The text is arranged in tandem with the main text in the center surrounded by commentary in…
Pope Clement V's Constitutiones consist of decretals (papal letters establishing canon law) issued by Popes Boniface VIII, Benedict XI, and Clement V himself. In this work Schoeffer introduced an improved commentary type, intended mainly for use with…
Schoeffer's third printing of the Liber sextus decretalium. Rubrication in red and blue has been added and there is an elaborately illuminated and colored initial B. The front flyleaf features an alphabetical subject index compiled by a…
In this 1572 edition of the Decretales of Gregory IX, a page-for-page reprint of the 1553 Lyon edition, a Catholic censor has expurgated much of the accompanying commentary, obscuring the text with opaque white ink that has darkened with age. The…
Compiled for Pope Gregory IX in 1234, the Decretales collected all of the canon laws that had been approved since the completion of the Decretum of Gratianus in 1140. This version is one of the 40 that were printed on vellum and includes painted…
Boniface VIII compiled this "sixth" book of the Decretaliumin 1298 as a supplement to the five books of canon law issued by Gregory IX in 1234. As in most early printed law codes, the main text appears as an island of large type surrounded by…
Pope Clement V's Constitutiones consist of decretals (papal letters establishing canon law) issued by Popes Boniface VIII, Benedict XI, and Clement V himself. In this work Schoeffer introduced an improved commentary type, intended mainly for use with…
Schoeffer's third printing of the Liber sextus decretalium. Rubrication in red and blue has been added and there is an elaborately illuminated and colored initial B.
Compiled for Pope Gregory IX in 1324, the Decretales collected all of the canon laws that had been approved since the completion of the Decretum of Gratianus in 1140. This version is one of the 40 that were printed on vellum and includes painted…
A compilation of all of the papal decrees and canon laws that had been approved between 1140 and 1234. This vellum copy is one of forty printed and one of the twelve remaining copies today.
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