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Subject is exactly "Dance of Death"
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Ein Totentanz
La Danse Macabre
Les Simulachres & Historiees Faces de la Mort
Totentanz von Basel
Dansa de la Mort e d’Aquelles Persones Qui Mal Llur Grat ab Aquella Ballen e Dansen
The anonymous Lyon edition of the "Dance of Death," the first to be illustrated with woodcuts designed by Hans Holbein the Younger (c. 1498–1543), was banned by the Faculty of Theology in 1551 because it parodied the morals of the clergy and all…
Includes: The life of Holbein -- The dance of death [by F. Douce] -- Introduction to Lydgate's Daunce of Machabree.
Half-title to "The Dance of Macaber" (p. [65]-[66], F) incorrectly bound at beginning as half-title.
Book of hours with designs in the margins of individuals paired with Death with descriptive titles. Printed on vellum in red and black; Includes a Dance of death series of illustrations. Bound in green morocco.
The engravings in this Dance of Death, or Todten-Tantz are said to be influenced by Holbein's Basel mural. Engraved title border.
First publication of Holbein's sequence of images of Death. The New Married Lady (The Noblewoman). The Duchess. The woodcuts are supposed to have been executed from Hans Holbein's designs by Hans Lützelburger. Accompanying each cut is a related…
This version's text above the images and epigrams are both in Latin. The previous version's epigrams were in French. Woodcuts after Holbein's designs. The Sailor (The Shipwreck). The Knight.
The Abbot. The Abbess. Woodcuts after Holbein's designs. Bound in limb vellum with ties.
The title and the epigrams are translated into Italian while the text above the images remains in Latin., The Old Woman, The Astrologer, Extra illustrated with three woodcuts from unidentified edition (ca. 16th century) of Imagines or Icones mortis…
Prothro B-30
Holbein introduced four initial plates that situated the human experience of death within a Biblical context., Woodcut designs attributed to Hans Holbein.
Holbein's 1538 plates are reproduced here but are reversed and some have details adjusted.
The images in this German publication reflect Holbein's figures and layouts but have other style characteristics unique to this artist. Prints are engraved plates.
The images in this English publication still show strong influences from Holbein in style and layout with some artistic differences.
Bound in 18th century sheepskin.
The English dance of death includes influences from Holbein while updating characters to contemporary societal figures such as the The Waltz, The Lottery Office, and The Honeymoon. Added title-page, engraved. Bound in at the beginning of volume 2 is…
This German version of Dance of Death includes influences from Holbein while updating characters to contemporary societal figures such as Das Freundenmächen (The Lady of Easy Virtue).
This Swedish version of Dance of Death includes influences from Holbein while updating characters to contemporary societal figures such as Soldaten (the soldier).
An English broadside that features Dance of Death procession and images of Death with individuals. The series shows influence from Holbein from the art style to the content of the series with updates to reflect dress and culture of the time period.
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