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Thomas example
The cover and all of the pages of the book have been cut and folded in the shape of a cross, and this altered book has been placed in a hinged wooden chemise. Wooden crosses are affixed to the front and back covers and a jeweled clasp acts as a…
Thomas example
Sewn onto wooden dowels. A threaded hollow steel rod connects two redwood hexagons that function as lids or covers. The “book” has a hexagonal slipcase with six panels featuring copies of the original book’s cover attached to a redwood base.…
Thomas example
Walnut veneered wooden tubes lashed together using imitation sinew, tubes then attached to river flotsam (sticks and planking) and other found objects (including a miniature facsimile copy of the first edition of Huckleberry Finn) added to the deck,…
Thomas example
This model uses a popular octavo edition with its pages cut and pasted end to end to create a scroll. The scrolling mechanism includes a painted pine framework with brass hardware and ebony knobs. Mounted into a full leather case with the original…
Thomas example
Each page of the text has been affixed to a wooden dowel and arranged on a wooden stand.
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