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Collection: The Shape of Content in Christian Books, Broadsides, and Prints
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A compilation of all of the papal decrees and canon laws that had been approved between 1140 and 1234. An exceptionally large book printed on durable vellum. The text is arranged in tandem with the main text in the center surrounded by commentary in…
The first of five volumes of a lengthy theological treatise, bound in southern Bavaria, and later owned by the Jesuits of Burghausen. Imperial folio, 480 x 323 mm. Double column. 59 lines.
The first of two volumes of the Latin scriptures, bound in Bohemia, and owned by the Franciscans of Tachov. Royal folio, 413 x 288 mm. Double columns, 248 lines.
First printed edition of the Mammorectus, a manual for the unlettered clergy with short entries explaining difficult terms and concepts encountered in the Bible. Bound in southern Bohemia. Median folio, 339 x 240 mm. Double columns, 48 lines.
A guide to the study of the Gospels, bound for the Franciscans of St. Anne in Bamberg. Chancery folio, 292 x 210 mm. Double column, 47 lines.
A critique of Jewish beliefs concerning the Messiah, this work includes a rudimentary introduction to the Hebrew language, a misleading summary of Jewish beliefs, and transliterations from Hebrew sources. Median Quarto, 235 x 162 mm. Single column,…
This Sammelband of four fifteenth-century publications by Johannes Trithemusm is preserved in its original monastic binding. Chancery quatro, 211 x 144 mm.
A handy exposition on the Gospels, bound in Italy and later owned by the Carmelites of Venice. Median Octavo, 179 x 119 mm. Double column, 42 lines.
The most popular private devotional tract of the fifteenth century, bound in Bavaria and owned by the Augustinian canons of St. Nicolaus, Passau. Chancery octavo, 114 x 106 mm. Single column, 22 lines.
Rules for monastic living, bound in south Germany, with a later brass clasp. Chancery sextodecimo, 114 x 77 mm.
Complete set of sixty uncut, unfolded, and unbound paper sheets of the Greek New Testament. 25 x 39 cm, printed in octavo.
Complete set of sixty uncut, unfolded, and unbound paper sheets of the Greek New Testament. 44 x 27.5 cm, printed in octavo.
Example of one-volume portable Bibles popular in the thirteenth century. Includes decorated initials and filigree pen work in the margins.
In the exhibited exposition on the Psalms, the printer eliminated the need for rubrication, printing suitably elaborate initials and border decoration along with the text. Such books had the advantage of being ready for use as soon as they were…
Biblical history written by Peter Comestor, Chancellor of Notre Dame in Paris. Bridwell Library's manuscript of the Historia scholastica is one of many that were expanded with commentaries. Where necessary, the scribe divided the column into two and…
Pope Clement V's Constitutiones consist of decretals (papal letters establishing canon law) issued by Popes Boniface VIII, Benedict XI, and Clement V himself. In this work Schoeffer introduced an improved commentary type, intended mainly for use with…
This anonymous fifteenth-century treatise on the Mas ceremony contains two texts printed in two distinct typefaces: quotations from the Latin litury printed with a tall Gothic font and the German explanation of the Mass printed in a smaller rounder…
Six-volume multilingual Bible with Greek Septuagint and New Testament, Latin Vulgate, Hebrew Old Testament, and Aramaic translation in the lower margin.
The purpose of this book was to expose John Wesley as a plagiarist by comparing Samuel Johnson's Taxation no Tyranny (1745) and Wesley's A Calm Address to our American Colonies (1775) in parallel columns. Wesley freely adapted the writings of others…
This devotional and instructional volume can be read in either of two directions. The rectos of each leaf are numbered and can be read sequentially while the versos are printed upside down and also numbered for reading in a separate order and…
In this chronological overview of world history the spine crosses the top of the book, so that the pages must be turned from bottom to top as they are read. The text was printed from engraved plates instead of movable types and text was only printed…
The extended Latin title of the first collected edition of St. Gregory's Opera may be translated "The Principal Works of Saint Gregory the Great, Doctor of the Church, formerly dispersed in individual volumes, but now combined into a single volume by…
Schoeffer's third printing of the Liber sextus decretalium. Rubrication in red and blue has been added and there is an elaborately illuminated and colored initial B. The front flyleaf features an alphabetical subject index compiled by a…
Produced in Flanders for use in England, this richly illuminated manuscript includes a set of eight illustrations of scenes from the Infancy of Christ, such as the Annunciation and the Nativity, which traditionally introduced the eight sections of…
BRMS 149
Produced for instruction in the basic doctrines of the Catholic faith, this unusual book consists of full-page painted images accompanied by brief explanations written in Dutch on the facing pages. Later owned by the Carmelite friars of Nijmegen in…
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