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Collection: Dios y Su Pueblo: 250 Years of Mexican Religious Imprints
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Dios y Su Pueblo Item Descriptions
Santa Anna Poetry English translation
Dolores and the Virgin Mary English Translation
Dios y Su Pueblo Inventory
BRA2503 Oversize Folder 23
Sermon about blessed souls in purgatory and how the living must pay the debts of those in purgatory with their good works.
BRA2501 Oversize Folder 12
Sermon preached in honor of the coronation of Charles III. The speech also includes descriptions of paintings, sonnets, Latin epigrams, octavas, and decimas dedicated to Charles III.
BRA2505 Oversize Folder 33
Hymns celebrating the third centennial of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe.
BRA2506 Oversize Folder 34
These two poems eulogize one of nineteenth century Mexico's most influential military and political leaders, General Antonio López de Santa Anna Pérez de Lebrón, more commonly known as Santa Anna.
BRA2504 Oversize Folder 28
Anonymous pamphlet responding to a pamphlet about the institution of the patronage.
BRA2507 Oversize Folder 36
Catholic catechism with side-by-side translations of Otomi and Spanish.
BRA2501 Oversize Folder 11
Pastoral letter from the Bishop of Linares (Monterey) expressing his deep and profound love for his parishioners, likening his affection for them to that of a father for his children. He announces his intention to visit and finally speak with them…
On False Philosophies
Pastoral letter from the Bishop of Linares (Monterey) discussing Deism and affirms Catholic traditions and beliefs.
On "Los Novadoes"
Pastoral letter by Belaunzaran stating that the Church must unite in resisting those who challenge Scripture.
BRA2502 Oversize Folder 17
In this criticism of Mexican society and politics, Belaunzar laments Mexico's current position in the War of North American Invasion. He attributes the situation to the judgment that Mexico is full of sinfulness. He warns that all will be accountable…
BRA2508 Oversize Folder 42
A religious exercise involves three people coming together to pray three times daily, symbolizing the unity of the Holy Trinity. Each day in the morning, noon, and evening, all three people, individually or together, are required to pray the Gloria…
BRA2506 Oversize Folder 35
Compilation of common prayers and a wide variety of religious songs.
BRA2504 Oversize Folder 29
This pamphlet defends the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, from its critics.
BRA2504 Oversize Folder 29
This pamphlet argues for the importance of the Jesuits in regards to the education of Mexico's youth.
BRA2505 Oversize Folder 31
Pamphlet of a novena for the faithful to complete the prayers in exchange for an indulgence. On the final page, bishop José María de Jesús Belaunzarán concedes 200 days of indulgence for every word contained in this novena to those who read it…
Dramatic work that depicts Isaac as a prefiguration of Christ.
The Threat of Protestantism
This catechism is a lesson to Catholic believers about the perceived danger to the faith posed by Protestantism, and it is therefore designed to prevent good Catholics from falling prey to the lure of such heresy.
The Priests' Eucharistic League
This periodical contains an essay about the Eucharistic wine, a sermon describing how the performance of the Eucharist can aid in one's quest for salvation, an essay over the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, and a study about the prayers and ceremonies…
BRA2505 Oversize Folder 33
This hymn, with its beautiful woodcut engraving of Saint Philip of Jesus to whom it is dedicated, describes the fate of the Mexican-born member of the Franciscan order who was martyred in Japan in 1597. St. Philip is known as the patron saint of…
Desk BRA2499 Oversize Folder 2
A sermon preached on the feast day of the Immaculate Conception of Mary about the victory over original sin that the Virgin's Immaculate Conception signified. It also eulogizes Pope Pius IX who, on December 8, 1854, proclaimed the Immaculate…
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