But from me

Georgette de Montenay (1540–approximately 1581).
Stamm Buch darinnen christlicher tugenden Beyspiel einhundert auszerlesener Emblemata.
Frankfurt: Johann Karl Unckel, 1619.

This work by the Calvinist sixteenth-century poet Georgette de Montenay is regarded as one of the earliest Protestant emblem books. De Monentay’s frequent use of the heart as a symbol in her emblems, appearing first in her 1571 Emblemes et devises chrestiennes, prefigured the popularity of that motif in the seventeenth century. Etchings here by the French engraver Pierre Woeriot (1532–1599) incorporate a brief Latin motto within the images. The accompanying verse appears in French, Spanish, Italian, German, English, and Dutch, as well as Latin.


Sed ex Me (But from Me).

But from me