Creek New Testament

Creek New Testament. Pu pucase momet pu hesayecv Cesvs Klist en Testement Mucvsat.
New York: American Bible Society, 1906. (00259)

The Creek Indians were a loosely formed confederacy of at least forty small clans originally living in the geographic region of present-day Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida. The tribe was forcibly relocated to Indian Territory in the 1830s in what is now Oklahoma. Portions of the New Testament were printed in Creek, also known as Muskogee, between 1835 and 1871. The entire New Testament was printed in sixteen parts between 1875 and 1886 and a revised edition followed between 1887 and 1891. Reflecting his interest in Native American languages in his home state of Oklahoma, Thomas Harrison acquired this early twentieth-century edition of the New Testament.

Native American Bibles
Creek New Testament