Estienne's Response

Robert Estienne (1503–1559).
Ad censuras theologorum Parisiensium, quibus Biblia à Roberto Stephano typographo Regio excusa calumniosè notarunt, eiusdem Roberti Stephani responsio.
[Geneva]: Robert Estienne, 1552. (AER6426)

After the suppression of his Bible in 1546, the printer Robert Estienne continued to battle the censors at the University of Paris for four years before moving to Geneva, where he joined the Calvinists. In 1552, in an unprecedented action by a printer, Estienne published this response to the Sorbonne’s condemnations, offering an introductory account of his two decades of conflict with the Parisian censors and a point-for-point defense of his Bible.

Bridwell Library’s copy was inscribed by an early owner, Jean-Frédéric Ostervald (1663–1747), a leading Swiss Protestant theologian whose French translation of the Bible appeared in 1744.
