Nos Los Inquisidores

[Tribunal of the Inquisition in Mexico].
Nos los inquisidores contra la heretica pravedad, y apostasia en esta ciudad, y arzobispado de Mexico, estados, y provincias de la Nueva-España, Nueva-Galicia, Goathemala, Nicaragua, Yucatán, Vera-Paz, Honduras, Islas Filipinas, sus districtos, y jurisdicciones. Por authoridad apostolica, &c. A todos los vecinos y moradores . . . . 
[Mexico: s.n., not after 16 March 1713]. (BRB0030)

This edict promulgated by the Mexican Inquisition warned the Catholic faithful against several prevailing offenses to Christian beliefs, with sections devoted to the Jewish Law of Moses, Islamic teachings, Lutheranism, followers of the mystical sect known as “Alumbrados,” and prohibited books. The edict also served as a reminder not to read condemned texts, which in 1713 still included the vernacular Bibles that had been banned during the sixteenth century.

Censorship in Mexico
Nos Los Inquisidores