The Sorbonne vs. Erasmus

Noël Béda (c. 1470–1537).
Annotationum natalis Bedae Doctoris Theologi Parisieñ. in Iacobum Fabrum Stapulensem libri duo: et in Desiderium Erasmum Roterodamum liber unus, qui ordine tertius est. Primus in Commentarios ipsius Fabri super Epistolas beati Pauli. Secundus in eiusdem Commentarios super IIII. Evangelia. Tertius in Paraphrases Erasmi super eadem quattuor Evangelia, & omnes apostolicas epistolas.
Paris: Josse Bade, 1526. (BRB0020)

In this three-part work, the most conservative of the theologians at the University of Paris outlined his objections to the commentaries of two leading biblical scholars, Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples (c. 1455–1546) and Erasmus of Rotterdam. Béda's censures of Erasmus’s Paraphrases of the Gospels and Epistles comprise the third part of the work. In response, Erasmus appealed to King Francis I of France, who ordered that Béda’s “odious remarks” must be withdrawn from the market. However, by the time the king’s order was received, Josse Bade had already sold half of the 625 copies he had printed.

Censorship at the University of Paris
The Sorbonne vs. Erasmus